Rachel's Randomness
"A dream I won't wake from. A story that will never end. The ground your feet walk on, let me be there..." - For My Love
This is one of those moments where my sleep-deprived brain is frantically scrambling to kick into gear and stay on track because of the information overload it has from all the details I want to get out and write down in some sort of organized, simple fashion. See, I am even writing run-on sentences that probably didn't make a lick of sense to any of you but me - haha!
I will do my utmost to tell all of this past week's highlights in a nutshell - which is probably just as futile as telling the world to stop moving.
Ah, yes. I did tell you all to expect a huge ta-do about, and me mooning over Eclipse (no pun intended - haha). Hillary (another Washington Times intern) and I pre-ordered our tickets the day before for the 8 p.m. showing at a theater in Chinatown. We were both like giddy girls and felt like such dorks for pre-ordering our tickets. We got great seats. The movie was more fantastic than I was expecting. I was floating on cloud nine afterwards and was in a daze of awesomeness. It was so cool because a month or so before the movie came out, I had bought the Eclipse movie soundtrack and had listened to the songs so many times that I recognized them throughout the movie and even knew some of the lyrics - haha - wow! Edward really redeemed himself in this movie - the humor was well balanced, the story was solid and easy to follow, and some of the lines were unforgettable and brilliant! "Doesn't he own a shirt?" - Edward -- "Let's face it, I'm hotter than you." - Jacob -- "I will fight for you until your heart stops beating." - Jacob. There are many other parts that really struck a chord in my own heart - especially with Bella - I feel this is the first movie that better captured her character in the Twilight books and gave her a movie script with more substance. Anyways, lots of hotness going on - two thumbs up!
I have to say that I was almost embarrassed at how obsessed some, if not most of the audience members appeared to be. There was a ton of clapping, hooting and hollering going on - lol. At one point where Edward formally asks Bella to marry him, and before Bella has a chance to reply, one of girls in the audience yelled (in a creepily orgasmic manner) "YES!!!" Wow - there are no words.
Friday, Michal and I went on a "double-date" at Sculpture Garden to hear live jazz and sip sangria with Jeff and Brian - TON of fun! Jeff even got all fancy and brought actual wine glasses so that we didn't have to drink out of the plastic cups. After that we made our way toward this place recommended to us called Cafe Burma. Michal and I split a meal - it was pretty delish. Then we strolled the street-lit sidewalks to get some yogurt at fro-zen-yo. Tons of laughter all around - great times to be cherished always!!!
On Saturday, I got to go to the Home Depot with Andy and Brian to scout out materials Brian needed to build a back porch and we got stuff for a car wash (hose, hose head, sprinkler, etc.) - I just enjoyed watching the guys do their thing and joking along with them - I felt like I was back in Texas that day, just because I was at Brian's house and not an apartment, riding around in a car, and away from the press of downtown festivities. We swung by and picked Michal up and washed Brian's car and then we all ran like kids through the sprinkler like wild banchees - I was definitely squealing - not gonna lie. Then, wonder of wonders, guess what people?!!!! I got to drive A car for THE first time in about TWO MONTHS!!! Michal and I drove to get groceries and make dinner for the hungry men - it was delish of course. We ate out on the patio then the boys played guitar for us and we sang along. Board games were in order but Michal and I ended up introducing the guys to the world of Brian Regan -- suffice to say -- we spent the next hour straight, a laughing heap on the couch.
Sunday was 4th of July - what a happy one it was too! It was pretty awesome to celebrate America's independence in Washington, D.C. - a bunch of us went to church at Frontline at 5:30 then we had a cookout - which I helped run and (wo)manned. We then all got into cars and made our way over to a bridge off the highway that overlooks the Potomac. It was a breathtaking view with all the lit boats on the water with the Washington monument in view. The fireworks were glorious and made more magical as they reflected off the water. The spot we were located gave us a 360 degree angle of fireworks from around other cities.
We had a pool party on Monday to do something chill to recover from the madness of the flurry of festivities of the July 4th weekend. After swimming, a group of us headed over to Old Town to Hard Times Cafe - even Jeff joined us there. They have pretty awesome wings, chili, and cornbread. I drained three full glasses of diet Coke because I was SO thirsty! Good times at Hard Times - haha!!!
Like I've said before - there are so many details that I miss or slip my mind as I write these blogs - wish I could preserve and right down more perfect memories than I do. At least I can give you all a small glimpse of what my experiences and feelings are. Hope each of you had a Happy 4th of July!!!
Peace out,
Rachel Duke
Total Awesomness, Duke!! Thanks for sharing, I can feel your joy through your writings and it warms my heart. You deserve all the happiness in the world! C U Soon!!
ReplyDeleteI love how you have a picture of a pool party, but never actually explain that. Lol. Have you read the Twilight books? Some of those lines are taken straight from the books.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Check out my website: awkwardchristianity.com
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! Touche' - very true - I actually really did mean to mention the pool party and will go back and do so now - you're hilariou - thanks for pointing that out :-)
ReplyDeleteHave I read the Twilight books? Are you seriously asking ME that?! lol Of course - like twice each! :-D Yes, I know some of the lines are taken straight out of the books because that's how you get a great script haha! Can't wait to check out your website.