Rachel’s Randomness
“Something has changed within me, something is not the same. I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game. Too late for second-guessing; too late to go back to sleep. It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!” - Defying Gravity
“Something has changed within me, something is not the same. I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game. Too late for second-guessing; too late to go back to sleep. It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap!” - Defying Gravity
I am listening to Glee, singing along, have my feet up on the cool, white, leather recliner, after walking in the door from being out and about all day – first at work, then out on the town for dinner at Union Station and fro-zen-yo with the parental and my younger brother, Haden. I am one content woman. As Lady Harriet says in “Wives and Daughters,” “Well, that was a good day’s work I think.”
It truly is the little things in life that bring me the greatest happiness. I’m getting so pumped up about Eclipse. I won’t be able to see the midnight showing of Eclipse, since it comes out on a Wednesday – this is a sadness. Oh, and Glee is no more until the fall. I’m so in love with Edward Cullen, Finn, and Mr. Schuster!!! There are so many other things to be excited for and look forward to!
This week, like I predicted, has been quirky. I’ve had an odd past few days. Like Bella says in Twilight, “You know, your mood swings are giving me whiplash.” All I can say is thank God for his long-suffering patience and for blessing me with such loving, understanding friends who reach out with words of encouragement at just the right times. This whole topic of pornography that I’ve gotten so wrapped up in and bogged down with, has really began to wear and tear at me, making my heart heavy, and soul weary. The good thing is that I’ve been turning more than ever to Scripture passages and talking with the Lord a lot more throughout the day. Philippians 4 has been of great comfort to me. I’m to the point to where when I hear Kristyn Getty, read passages from the Bible, in her Irish lilt, I get tears in my eyes. God’s word is so beautiful. There’s nothing like it.
I’m sure you all are tired of hearing this, but I’m just going to say it again: I miss Texas. While I’ve really enjoyed D.C., my heart is in Texas. You know what they say, “Home is where the heart is.” I thank God for this experience and internship here; I can already tell He’s growing me through this in so many ways. This is a milestone in my life and He has a purpose. I feel that going back to SMU in the fall and to graduate will be so weird. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me.
Years have seem to have gone by since I’ve been here, but it’s only been ONE month and TWO days – but who’s counting? Haha! My article ‘Epidemic’ Net Porn Cited, is the MOST READ article on The Washington Times online website right now – how cool is THAT?!! Also it has over 63 very controversial comments – some of which are merely laughable. There are 49 retweets, and over 400 Facebook recommendations. It even made the front page of the Drudge report!!!! Here’s the link if you want to read for yourself: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/jun/15/epidemic-growth-of-net-porn-cited/
Well enough excitement for one day and probably enough boring rambling for the rest of you. Oh, and one more thing. Besides making a point to take more pictures, Lea Michele (Rachel Barry - Glee) has inspired me to wear brighter colors both clothes and lipstick-wise. That is all. It’s time for bed – goodnight and I love you all!!!!
Peace out,
Rachel Duke
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